Sunday, 13:43 | Change

Today is quite the special day: Two of our German states are having their election today, and in both, the oppositional right wing party AfD is expected to effectively steamroll the election. I don't see myself supporting the party, but I still believe this likely outcome won't hurt the country on a federal level. It is quite the opposite in fact. For way too many years we've had politicians in charge who no longer tried to enforce of what the people want, but instead, they dictate what is right and what is wrong. Now, whether someone agrees with what the AfD stands for or not, having an opposition win an election is a potential step in the right in direction. I don't know what will happen if the AfD does win either one or both of these elections today, but I know things will change one way or another and that's good. I'd wish the BSW to win, but that is unrealistic for the time being. Maybe in another 10 years. I just hope the BSW won't make a coalition with the CDU, unless the CDU really is ready to keep up with the demands of the BSW, but I don't believe it to be honest. We will see what happens.

Now, I haven't posted anything here since January, part of the reason was because I was focusing a lot on my life, trying to get shit done and I did! I finished the program I was in and in the very last second I managed to get an apprenticeship at what I can only describe as a massive potential for my own career. Work so far is great, everyone around the place is amazing and I love the work. Unlike past jobs I don't even realize time. It really feels like I start at 08:00, blink twice, and suddenly it is 17:00 and I have to leave quickly to not miss the train. It's stressful, but it's fun.

So, what can I take out of all of this? My country is about to do something historical, unclear whether or not it will be for the best or the worst, but my own life is going exactly where it should go to. I'm happy. Things will be alright in the end, I'm certain of it.

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